Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Limitation Periods in Loss Transfer Claims

Markel Insurance Co. of Canada v. ING Insurance Co. of Canada, 2012 ONCA 218 (C.A.);

The issue in this appeal was the date from which the limitation period begins to run in loss transfer claims.

The appeal arose out of two arbitration decisions that reached different conclusions on the start date for the limitation period. In Federation v. Kingsway, the arbitrator held the limitation period begins to run on the day after the request for loss transfer is made; in Markel v. ING, the arbitrator held the limitation period begins to run when the second insurer refuses to indemnify. On appeal to the Superior Court of Justice, the court favoured the Federation approach. The matter was appealed to the Court of Appeal.

The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal. Justice Sharpe held that the limitation period begins to run on the day after the request for indemnification is made by the insurer who paid accident benefits.

Lawyers and insurance professionals should be aware of this decision when diarizing their files so that claims can be brought within the correct limitation period.

- Tara Pollitt

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